This module requires extra installs: ``pip install 'opendp[scikit-learn]'``
For convenience, all the functions of this module are also available from :py:mod:`opendp.prelude`.
We suggest importing under the conventional name ``dp``:
.. code:: python
>>> import opendp.prelude as dp
The methods of this module will then be accessible at ``dp.sklearn.decomposition``.
See also our :ref:`tutorial on diffentially private PCA <dp-pca>`.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import NamedTuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence
from opendp.extras.numpy import then_np_clamp
from opendp.extras._utilities import register_measurement, to_then
from opendp.extras.numpy._make_np_mean import make_private_np_mean
from opendp.extras.sklearn._make_eigendecomposition import then_private_np_eigendecomposition
from opendp.mod import Domain, Measurement, Metric
from opendp._lib import import_optional_dependency
from opendp._internal import _make_measurement, _make_transformation
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
import numpy # type: ignore[import-not-found]
class PCAEpsilons(NamedTuple):
Tuple used to describe the ε-expenditure per changed record in the input data
eigvals: float
eigvecs: Sequence[float]
mean: Optional[float]
def make_private_pca(
input_domain: Domain,
input_metric: Metric,
unit_epsilon: float | PCAEpsilons,
norm: float | None = None,
) -> Measurement:
"""Construct a Measurement that returns the data mean, singular values and right singular vectors.
:param input_domain: instance of `array2_domain(size=_, num_columns=_)`
:param input_metric: instance of `symmetric_distance()`
:param unit_epsilon: ε-expenditure per changed record in the input data
:param norm: clamp each row to this norm bound
:param num_components: optional, number of eigenvectors to release. defaults to num_columns from input_domain
:return: a Measurement that computes a tuple of (mean, S, Vt)
import opendp.prelude as dp
np = import_optional_dependency('numpy')
dp.assert_features("contrib", "floating-point")
class PCAResult(NamedTuple):
mean: numpy.ndarray
S: numpy.ndarray
Vt: numpy.ndarray
input_desc = input_domain.descriptor
if input_desc.size is None:
raise ValueError("input_domain's size must be known") # pragma: no cover
if input_desc.num_columns is None:
raise ValueError("input_domain's num_columns must be known") # pragma: no cover
if input_desc.p not in {None, 2}:
raise ValueError("input_domain's norm must be an L2 norm") # pragma: no cover
if input_desc.num_columns < 1:
raise ValueError("input_domain's num_columns must be >= 1") # pragma: no cover
num_components = (
input_desc.num_columns if num_components is None else num_components
if isinstance(unit_epsilon, float):
num_eigvec_releases = min(num_components, input_desc.num_columns - 1)
unit_epsilon = _split_pca_epsilon_evenly(
unit_epsilon, num_eigvec_releases, estimate_mean=input_desc.origin is None
if not isinstance(unit_epsilon, PCAEpsilons):
raise ValueError("epsilon must be a float or instance of PCAEpsilons") # pragma: no cover
eigvals_epsilon, eigvecs_epsilons, mean_epsilon = unit_epsilon
def _eig_to_SVt(decomp):
eigvals, eigvecs = decomp
return np.sqrt(np.maximum(eigvals, 0))[::-1], eigvecs.T
def _make_eigdecomp(norm, origin):
return (
(input_domain, input_metric)
>> then_np_clamp(norm, p=2, origin=origin)
>> then_center()
>> then_private_np_eigendecomposition(eigvals_epsilon, eigvecs_epsilons)
>> (lambda out: PCAResult(origin, *_eig_to_SVt(out)))
if input_desc.norm is not None:
if mean_epsilon is not None:
raise ValueError("mean_epsilon should be zero because origin is known") # pragma: no cover
norm = input_desc.norm if norm is None else norm
norm = min(input_desc.norm, norm)
return _make_eigdecomp(norm, input_desc.origin)
elif norm is None:
raise ValueError("must have either bounded `input_domain` or specify `norm`") # pragma: no cover
# make releases under the assumption that d_in is 2.
unit_d_in = 2
compositor = dp.c.make_sequential_composition(
d_mids=[mean_epsilon, _make_eigdecomp(norm, 0).map(unit_d_in)],
def _function(data):
nonlocal input_domain
qbl = compositor(data)
# find origin
m_mean = dp.binary_search_chain( # type: ignore[misc]
lambda s: make_private_np_mean(
input_domain, input_metric, s, norm=norm, p=1
origin = qbl(m_mean)
# make full release
return qbl(_make_eigdecomp(norm, origin))
return _make_measurement(
# generate then variant of the constructor
then_private_pca = register_measurement(make_private_pca)
class PCA():
DP wrapper for `sklearn's PCA <https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.decomposition.PCA.html>`_.
Trying to create an instance without sklearn installed will raise an ``ImportError``.
See the :ref:`tutorial on diffentially private PCA <dp-pca>` for details.
:param whiten: Mirrors the corresponding sklearn parameter:
When ``True`` (``False`` by default) the ``components_`` vectors are multiplied
by the square root of n_samples and then divided by the singular values
to ensure uncorrelated outputs with unit component-wise variances.
def __init__(
epsilon: float,
row_norm: float,
n_samples: int,
n_features: int,
n_components: int | float | str | None = None,
n_changes: int = 1,
whiten: bool = False,
) -> None:
# Error if constructor called without dependency:
# The zero-argument form of super() does not work,
# (I believe) because the type argument is determined lexically,
# and it doesn't see our redefinition.
# Instead, make the type explicit.
# Also because of the class redefinition, mypy has a lot of complaints,
# and so there's a lot of "type: ignore" below.
super(PCA, self).__init__( # type: ignore[call-arg]
n_components or n_features,
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.row_norm = row_norm
self.n_samples = n_samples
self.n_features_in_ = n_features
self.n_changes = n_changes
def n_features(self):
Number of features
return self.n_features_in_
# This isn't strictly necessary, since we just call the superclass method,
# but this lets us document a frequently used method,
# and avoids a number of mypy warnings.
def fit(self, X, y=None):
Fit the model with X.
:param X: Training data, where ``n_samples`` is the number of samples and ``n_features`` is the number of features.
:param y: Ignored
return super(PCA, self).fit(X) # type: ignore[misc]
# this overrides the scikit-learn method to instead use the opendp-core constructor
def _fit(self, X):
return self._prepare_fitter()(X)
def _prepare_fitter(self) -> Measurement:
"""Returns a measurement that computes the mean and eigendecomposition,
and then apply those releases to self."""
import opendp.prelude as dp
if hasattr(self, "components_"):
raise ValueError("DP-PCA model has already been fitted") # pragma: no cover
input_domain = dp.numpy.array2_domain(
num_columns=self.n_features_in_, size=self.n_samples, T=float
input_metric = dp.symmetric_distance()
n_estimated_components = (
self.n_components # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if isinstance(self.n_components, int) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
else self.n_features_in_ # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return make_private_pca(
self.epsilon / self.n_changes * 2,
) >> self._postprocess
def _postprocess(self, values):
"""A function that applies a release of the mean and eigendecomposition to self"""
np = import_optional_dependency('numpy')
from sklearn.utils.extmath import stable_cumsum, svd_flip # type: ignore[import]
from sklearn.decomposition._pca import _infer_dimension # type: ignore[import]
self.mean_, S, Vt = values
U = Vt.T
n_samples, n_features = self.n_samples, self.n_features_in_
n_components = self.n_components # type: ignore[attr-defined]
# flip eigenvectors' sign to enforce deterministic output
U, Vt = svd_flip(U, Vt)
components_ = Vt
# Get variance explained by singular values
explained_variance_ = (S**2) / (n_samples - 1)
total_var = np.sum(explained_variance_)
explained_variance_ratio_ = explained_variance_ / total_var
singular_values_ = S # Store the singular values.
# Postprocess the number of components required
if n_components == "mle":
n_components = _infer_dimension(explained_variance_, n_samples)
elif 0 < n_components < 1.0:
# number of components for which the cumulated explained
# variance percentage is superior to the desired threshold
# side='right' ensures that number of features selected
# their variance is always greater than n_components float
# passed. More discussion in issue: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/pull/15669
explained_variance_ratio_np = explained_variance_ratio_
ratio_cumsum = stable_cumsum(explained_variance_ratio_np)
n_components = np.searchsorted(ratio_cumsum, n_components, side="right") + 1
# Compute noise covariance using Probabilistic PCA model
# The sigma2 maximum likelihood (cf. eq. 12.46)
if n_components < min(n_features, n_samples):
self.noise_variance_ = np.mean(explained_variance_[n_components:])
self.noise_variance_ = 0.0
self.n_samples_ = n_samples
self.components_ = components_[:n_components, :]
self.n_components_ = n_components
self.explained_variance_ = explained_variance_[:n_components]
self.explained_variance_ratio_ = explained_variance_ratio_[:n_components]
self.singular_values_ = singular_values_[:n_components]
return U, S, Vt
def measurement(self) -> Measurement:
"""Return a measurement that releases a fitted model."""
return self._prepare_fitter() >> (lambda _: self)
# overrides an sklearn method
def _validate_params(*args, **kwargs):
_decomposition = import_optional_dependency('sklearn.decomposition', False)
if _decomposition is not None:
PCA = type('PCA', (_decomposition.PCA,), dict(PCA.__dict__)) # type: ignore[assignment,misc]
def _smaller(v):
"""returns the next non-negative float closer to zero"""
np = import_optional_dependency('numpy')
if v < 0:
raise ValueError("expected non-negative value") # pragma: no cover
return v if v == 0 else np.nextafter(v, -1)
def _split_pca_epsilon_evenly(unit_epsilon, num_eigvec_releases, estimate_mean=False):
num_queries = 3 if estimate_mean else 2
per_query_epsilon = unit_epsilon / num_queries
per_evec_epsilon = per_query_epsilon / num_eigvec_releases
# use conservatively smaller budgets to prevent totals from exceeding total epsilon
return PCAEpsilons(
eigvecs=[_smaller(per_evec_epsilon)] * num_eigvec_releases,
mean=_smaller(per_query_epsilon) if estimate_mean else None,
def _make_center(input_domain, input_metric):
import opendp.prelude as dp
np = import_optional_dependency('numpy')
dp.assert_features("contrib", "floating-point")
input_desc = input_domain.descriptor
kwargs = input_desc._asdict() | {"origin": np.zeros(input_desc.num_columns)}
return _make_transformation(
lambda arg: arg - input_desc.origin,
lambda d_in: d_in,
then_center = to_then(_make_center)