This documentation is for a development version of OpenDP.

The current release of OpenDP is v0.11.1.

Source code for opendp.measures

# Auto-generated. Do not edit!
The ``measures`` module provides functions that measure the distance between probability distributions.
For more context, see :ref:`measures in the User Guide <measures-user-guide>`.

For convenience, all the functions of this module are also available from :py:mod:`opendp.prelude`.
We suggest importing under the conventional name ``dp``:

.. code:: python

    >>> import opendp.prelude as dp
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated # noqa: F401 (Not every file actually has deprecated functions.)

from opendp._convert import *
from opendp._lib import *
from opendp.mod import *
from opendp.typing import *

__all__ = [

def _measure_free(
    r"""Internal function. Free the memory associated with `this`.

    :param this: 
    :type this: Measure
    :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type
    :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse
    :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library
    # No type arguments to standardize.
    # Convert arguments to c types.
    c_this = this

    # Call library function.
    lib_function = lib.opendp_measures___measure_free
    lib_function.argtypes = [Measure]
    lib_function.restype = FfiResult

    output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_this), ctypes.c_void_p))

    return output

[docs] def approximate( measure: Measure ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure used to define $\delta$-approximate PM-differential privacy. In the following definition, $d$ corresponds to privacy parameters $(d', \delta)$ when also quantified over all adjacent datasets ($d'$ is the privacy parameter corresponding to privacy measure PM). That is, $(d', \delta)$ is no smaller than $d$ (by product ordering), over all pairs of adjacent datasets $x, x'$ where $Y \sim M(x)$, $Y' \sim M(x')$. $M(\cdot)$ is a measurement (commonly known as a mechanism). The measurement's input metric defines the notion of adjacency, and the measurement's input domain defines the set of possible datasets. [approximate in Rust documentation.]( **Proof Definition:** For any two distributions $Y, Y'$ and 2-tuple $d = (d', \delta)$, where $d'$ is the distance with respect to privacy measure PM, $Y, Y'$ are $d$-close under the approximate PM measure whenever, for any choice of $\delta \in [0, 1]$, there exist events $E$ (depending on $Y$) and $E'$ (depending on $Y'$) such that $\Pr[E] \ge 1 - \delta$, $\Pr[E'] \ge 1 - \delta$, and $D_{\mathrm{PM}}^\delta(Y|_E, Y'|_{E'}) = D_{\mathrm{PM}}(Y|_E, Y'|_{E'})$ where $Y|_E$ denotes the distribution of $Y$ conditioned on the event $E$. Note that this $\delta$ is not privacy parameter $\delta$ until quantified over all adjacent datasets, as is done in the definition of a measurement. :param measure: inner privacy measure :type measure: Measure :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. c_measure = py_to_c(measure, c_type=Measure, type_name=None) # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__approximate lib_function.argtypes = [Measure] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_measure), Measure)) return output
[docs] def fixed_smoothed_max_divergence( ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure used to define $(\epsilon, \delta)$-approximate differential privacy. In the following definition, $d$ corresponds to $(\epsilon, \delta)$ when also quantified over all adjacent datasets. That is, $(\epsilon, \delta)$ is no smaller than $d$ (by product ordering), over all pairs of adjacent datasets $x, x'$ where $Y \sim M(x)$, $Y' \sim M(x')$. $M(\cdot)$ is a measurement (commonly known as a mechanism). The measurement's input metric defines the notion of adjacency, and the measurement's input domain defines the set of possible datasets. **Proof Definition:** For any two distributions $Y, Y'$ and any 2-tuple $d$ of non-negative numbers $\epsilon$ and $\delta$, $Y, Y'$ are $d$-close under the fixed smoothed max divergence measure whenever $D_\infty^\delta(Y, Y') = \max_{S \subseteq \textrm{Supp}(Y)} \Big[\ln \dfrac{\Pr[Y \in S] + \delta}{\Pr[Y' \in S]} \Big] \leq \epsilon$. Note that this $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ are not privacy parameters $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ until quantified over all adjacent datasets, as is done in the definition of a measurement. :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # No arguments to convert to c types. # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__fixed_smoothed_max_divergence lib_function.argtypes = [] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(), Measure)) return output
[docs] def max_divergence( ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure used to define $\epsilon$-pure differential privacy. In the following proof definition, $d$ corresponds to $\epsilon$ when also quantified over all adjacent datasets. That is, $\epsilon$ is the greatest possible $d$ over all pairs of adjacent datasets $x, x'$ where $Y \sim M(x)$, $Y' \sim M(x')$. $M(\cdot)$ is a measurement (commonly known as a mechanism). The measurement's input metric defines the notion of adjacency, and the measurement's input domain defines the set of possible datasets. **Proof Definition:** For any two distributions $Y, Y'$ and any non-negative $d$, $Y, Y'$ are $d$-close under the max divergence measure whenever $D_\infty(Y, Y') = \max_{S \subseteq \textrm{Supp}(Y)} \Big[\ln \dfrac{\Pr[Y \in S]}{\Pr[Y' \in S]} \Big] \leq d$. :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # No arguments to convert to c types. # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__max_divergence lib_function.argtypes = [] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(), Measure)) return output
[docs] def measure_debug( this: Measure ) -> str: r"""Debug a `measure`. :param this: The measure to debug (stringify). :type this: Measure :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. c_this = py_to_c(this, c_type=Measure, type_name=None) # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__measure_debug lib_function.argtypes = [Measure] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_this), ctypes.c_char_p)) return output
[docs] def measure_distance_type( this: Measure ) -> str: r"""Get the distance type of a `measure`. :param this: The measure to retrieve the distance type from. :type this: Measure :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. c_this = py_to_c(this, c_type=Measure, type_name=None) # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__measure_distance_type lib_function.argtypes = [Measure] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_this), ctypes.c_char_p)) return output
[docs] def measure_type( this: Measure ) -> str: r"""Get the type of a `measure`. :param this: The measure to retrieve the type from. :type this: Measure :rtype: str :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. c_this = py_to_c(this, c_type=Measure, type_name=None) # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__measure_type lib_function.argtypes = [Measure] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_this), ctypes.c_char_p)) return output
[docs] def new_privacy_profile( curve ): r"""Construct a PrivacyProfile from a user-defined callback. Required features: `contrib`, `honest-but-curious` **Why honest-but-curious?:** The privacy profile should implement a well-defined $\delta(\epsilon)$ curve: * monotonically decreasing * rejects epsilon values that are less than zero or nan * returns delta values only within [0, 1] :param curve: A privacy curve mapping epsilon to delta :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library :example: >>> dp.enable_features("contrib", "honest-but-curious") >>> profile = dp.new_privacy_profile(lambda eps: 1.0 if eps < 0.5 else 1e-8) ... >>> # epsilon is not enough, so delta saturates to one >>> 1.0 >>> # invert it, find the suitable epsilon at this delta >>> profile.epsilon(delta=1e-8) 0.5 >>> # insufficient delta results in infinite epsilon >>> profile.epsilon(delta=1e-9) inf """ assert_features("contrib", "honest-but-curious") # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. c_curve = py_to_c(curve, c_type=CallbackFn, type_name=f64) # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__new_privacy_profile lib_function.argtypes = [CallbackFn] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_curve), AnyObjectPtr)) output._depends_on(c_curve) return output
[docs] def renyi_divergence( ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure used to define $\epsilon(\alpha)$-Rényi differential privacy. In the following proof definition, $d$ corresponds to an RDP curve when also quantified over all adjacent datasets. That is, an RDP curve $\epsilon(\alpha)$ is no smaller than $d(\alpha)$ for any possible choices of $\alpha$, and over all pairs of adjacent datasets $x, x'$ where $Y \sim M(x)$, $Y' \sim M(x')$. $M(\cdot)$ is a measurement (commonly known as a mechanism). The measurement's input metric defines the notion of adjacency, and the measurement's input domain defines the set of possible datasets. **Proof Definition:** For any two distributions $Y, Y'$ and any curve $d$, $Y, Y'$ are $d$-close under the Rényi divergence measure if, for any given $\alpha \in (1, \infty)$, $D_\alpha(Y, Y') = \frac{1}{1 - \alpha} \mathbb{E}_{x \sim Y'} \Big[\ln \left( \dfrac{\Pr[Y = x]}{\Pr[Y' = x]} \right)^\alpha \Big] \leq d(\alpha)$ Note that this $\epsilon$ and $\alpha$ are not privacy parameters $\epsilon$ and $\alpha$ until quantified over all adjacent datasets, as is done in the definition of a measurement. :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # No arguments to convert to c types. # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__renyi_divergence lib_function.argtypes = [] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(), Measure)) return output
[docs] def smoothed_max_divergence( ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure used to define $\epsilon(\delta)$-approximate differential privacy. In the following proof definition, $d$ corresponds to a privacy profile when also quantified over all adjacent datasets. That is, a privacy profile $\epsilon(\delta)$ is no smaller than $d(\delta)$ for all possible choices of $\delta$, and over all pairs of adjacent datasets $x, x'$ where $Y \sim M(x)$, $Y' \sim M(x')$. $M(\cdot)$ is a measurement (commonly known as a mechanism). The measurement's input metric defines the notion of adjacency, and the measurement's input domain defines the set of possible datasets. The distance $d$ is of type PrivacyProfile, so it can be invoked with an $\epsilon$ to retrieve the corresponding $\delta$. **Proof Definition:** For any two distributions $Y, Y'$ and any curve $d(\cdot)$, $Y, Y'$ are $d$-close under the smoothed max divergence measure whenever, for any choice of non-negative $\epsilon$, and $\delta = d(\epsilon)$, $D_\infty^\delta(Y, Y') = \max_{S \subseteq \textrm{Supp}(Y)} \Big[\ln \dfrac{\Pr[Y \in S] + \delta}{\Pr[Y' \in S]} \Big] \leq \epsilon$. Note that $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ are not privacy parameters $\epsilon$ and $\delta$ until quantified over all adjacent datasets, as is done in the definition of a measurement. :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # No arguments to convert to c types. # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__smoothed_max_divergence lib_function.argtypes = [] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(), Measure)) return output
[docs] def user_divergence( descriptor: str ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure with meaning defined by an OpenDP Library user (you). Any two instances of UserDivergence are equal if their string descriptors are equal. Required features: `honest-but-curious` **Why honest-but-curious?:** The essential requirement of a privacy measure is that it is closed under postprocessing. Your privacy measure `D` must satisfy that, for any pure function `f` and any two distributions `Y, Y'`, then $D(Y, Y') \ge D(f(Y), f(Y'))$. Beyond this, you should also consider whether your privacy measure can be used to provide meaningful privacy guarantees to your privacy units. :param descriptor: A string description of the privacy measure. :type descriptor: str :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ assert_features("honest-but-curious") # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. c_descriptor = py_to_c(descriptor, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p, type_name=String) # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__user_divergence lib_function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(c_descriptor), Measure)) return output
[docs] def zero_concentrated_divergence( ) -> Measure: r"""Privacy measure used to define $\rho$-zero concentrated differential privacy. In the following proof definition, $d$ corresponds to $\rho$ when also quantified over all adjacent datasets. That is, $\rho$ is the greatest possible $d$ over all pairs of adjacent datasets $x, x'$ where $Y \sim M(x)$, $Y' \sim M(x')$. $M(\cdot)$ is a measurement (commonly known as a mechanism). The measurement's input metric defines the notion of adjacency, and the measurement's input domain defines the set of possible datasets. **Proof Definition:** For any two distributions $Y, Y'$ and any non-negative $d$, $Y, Y'$ are $d$-close under the zero-concentrated divergence measure if, for every possible choice of $\alpha \in (1, \infty)$, $D_\alpha(Y, Y') = \frac{1}{1 - \alpha} \mathbb{E}_{x \sim Y'} \Big[\ln \left( \dfrac{\Pr[Y = x]}{\Pr[Y' = x]} \right)^\alpha \Big] \leq d \cdot \alpha$. :rtype: Measure :raises TypeError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeException: if a type argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # No arguments to convert to c types. # Call library function. lib_function = lib.opendp_measures__zero_concentrated_divergence lib_function.argtypes = [] lib_function.restype = FfiResult output = c_to_py(unwrap(lib_function(), Measure)) return output