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Make a Transformation representing the identity function.


make_identity(domain, metric)



Domain of input data


Metric on input domain




WARNING: In Python, this function does not ensure that the domain and metric form a valid metric space. However, if the domain and metric do not form a valid metric space, then the resulting Transformation won't be chainable with any valid Transformation, so it cannot be used to introduce an invalid metric space into a chain of valid Transformations.

Required features: contrib, honest-but-curious

make_identity in Rust documentation.

Why honest-but-curious?:

For the result to be a valid transformation, the input_domain and input_metric pairing must form a valid metric space. For instance, the symmetric distance metric and atom domain do not form a valid metric space, because the metric cannot be used to measure distances between any two elements of an atom domain. Whereas, the symmetric distance metric and vector domain, or absolute distance metric and atom domain on a scalar type, both form valid metric spaces.

Supporting Elements:

  • Input Domain: D

  • Output Domain: D

  • Input Metric: M

  • Output Metric: M