Source code for opendp.trans

# Auto-generated. Do not edit.
from opendp._convert import *
from opendp._lib import *
from opendp.mod import *
from opendp.typing import *

[docs] def make_cast( TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that casts a vector of data from type `TI` to type `TO`. Failure to parse results in None, else Some<TO>. :param TI: input data type to cast from :type TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: data type to cast into :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A cast step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. TI = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TI) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. TI = py_to_c(TI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_cast function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(TI, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_cast_default( TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that casts a vector of data from type `TI` to type `TO`. If cast fails, fill with default. :param TI: input data type to cast from :type TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: data type to cast into :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A cast_default step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. TI = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TI) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. TI = py_to_c(TI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_cast_default function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(TI, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_is_equal( value, TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that checks if each element is equal to `value`. :param value: value to check against :param TI: input data type :type TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A is_equal step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. TI = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=TI, public_example=value) # Convert arguments to c types. value = py_to_c(value, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=TI) TI = py_to_c(TI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_is_equal function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(value, TI), Transformation))
[docs] def make_is_null( DIA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that checks if each element in a vector is null. :param DIA: atomic input domain :type DIA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A is_null step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. DIA = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=DIA) # Convert arguments to c types. DIA = py_to_c(DIA, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_is_null function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(DIA), Transformation))
[docs] def make_cast_inherent( TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that casts a vector of data from type `TI` to a type that can represent nullity `TO`. If cast fails, fill with `TO`'s null value. :param TI: input data type to cast from :type TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: data type to cast into :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A cast_inherent step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. TI = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TI) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. TI = py_to_c(TI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_cast_inherent function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(TI, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_cast_metric( MI: DatasetMetric, MO: DatasetMetric, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that converts the dataset metric from type `MI` to type `MO`. :param MI: input dataset metric :type MI: DatasetMetric :param MO: output dataset metric :type MO: DatasetMetric :param T: atomic type of data :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A cast_metric step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. MI = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=MI) MO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=MO) T = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=T) # Convert arguments to c types. MI = py_to_c(MI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) MO = py_to_c(MO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_cast_metric function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(MI, MO, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_clamp( lower, upper, DI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "VectorDomain<AllDomain<T>>", M: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "SymmetricDistance" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that clamps numeric data in Vec<`T`> between `lower` and `upper`. Set DI to AllDomain<T> for clamping aggregated values. :param lower: If datum is less than lower, let datum be lower. :param upper: If datum is greater than upper, let datum be upper. :param DI: input domain. One of VectorDomain<AllDomain<_>> or AllDomain<_>. :type DI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param M: metric. Set to SymmetricDistance when clamping datasets, or AbsoluteDistance<_> when clamping aggregated scalars :type M: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A clamp step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. DI = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=DI, generics=["T"]) M = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=M) T = get_domain_atom_or_infer(DI, lower) DI = DI.substitute(T=T) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) DI = py_to_c(DI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) M = py_to_c(M, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_clamp function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, DI, M), Transformation))
[docs] def make_unclamp( lower, upper, M: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "VectorDomain<IntervalDomain<T>>" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that unclamps a VectorDomain<IntervalDomain<T>> to a VectorDomain<AllDomain<T>>. Set DI to IntervalDomain<T> to work on scalars. :param lower: Lower bound of the input data. :param upper: Upper bound of the input data. :param T: domain of data being unclamped :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param M: metric to use on the input and output spaces :type M: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A unclamp step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. T = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=T, public_example=lower) M = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=M) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) M = py_to_c(M, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_unclamp function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, T, M), Transformation))
[docs] def make_count( TIA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "i32" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes a count of the number of records in data. :param TIA: Atomic Input Type. Input data is expected to be of the form Vec<TIA>. :type TIA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: type of output integer :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A count step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. TIA = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TIA) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. TIA = py_to_c(TIA, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_count function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(TIA, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_count_distinct( TIA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "i32" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes a count of the number of unique, distinct records in data. :param TIA: Atomic Input Type. Input data is expected to be of the form Vec<TIA>. :type TIA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: Output Type. integer :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A count_distinct step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. TIA = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TIA) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. TIA = py_to_c(TIA, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_count_distinct function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(TIA, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_count_by( n: int, MO: SensitivityMetric, TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "i32" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes the count of each unique value in data. This assumes that the category set is unknown. Use make_base_stability to release this query. :param n: Number of records in input data. :type n: int :param MO: Output Metric. :type MO: SensitivityMetric :param TI: Input Type. Categorical/hashable input data type. Input data must be Vec<TI>. :type TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: Output Type. express counts in terms of this integral type :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: The carrier type is HashMap<TI, TO>- the counts for each unique data input. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. MO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=MO) TI = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TI) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. n = py_to_c(n, c_type=ctypes.c_uint) MO = py_to_c(MO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TI = py_to_c(TI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_count_by function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(n, MO, TI, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_count_by_categories( categories: Any, MO: SensitivityMetric, TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None, TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "i32" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes the number of times each category appears in the data. This assumes that the category set is known. :param categories: The set of categories to compute counts for. :type categories: Any :param MO: output sensitivity metric :type MO: SensitivityMetric :param TI: categorical/hashable input data type. Input data must be Vec<TI>. :type TI: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param TO: express counts in terms of this integral type :type TO: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A count_by_categories step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. MO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=MO) TI = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=TI, public_example=next(iter(categories), None)) TO = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=TO) # Convert arguments to c types. categories = py_to_c(categories, c_type=AnyObjectPtr, type_name=RuntimeType(origin='Vec', args=[TI])) MO = py_to_c(MO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TI = py_to_c(TI, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) TO = py_to_c(TO, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_count_by_categories function.argtypes = [AnyObjectPtr, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(categories, MO, TI, TO), Transformation))
[docs] def make_split_lines( ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that takes a string and splits it into a Vec<String> of its lines. :return: A split_lines step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # No arguments to convert to c types. # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_split_lines function.argtypes = [] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(), Transformation))
[docs] def make_split_records( separator: str ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that splits each record in a Vec<String> into a Vec<Vec<String>>. :param separator: The token(s) that separate entries in each record. :type separator: str :return: A split_records step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # No type arguments to standardize. # Convert arguments to c types. separator = py_to_c(separator, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_split_records function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(separator), Transformation))
[docs] def make_create_dataframe( col_names: Any, K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that constructs a dataframe from a Vec<Vec<String>>. :param col_names: Column names for each record entry. :type col_names: Any :param K: categorical/hashable data type of column names :type K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A create_dataframe step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. K = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=K, public_example=next(iter(col_names), None)) # Convert arguments to c types. col_names = py_to_c(col_names, c_type=AnyObjectPtr, type_name=RuntimeType(origin='Vec', args=[K])) K = py_to_c(K, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_create_dataframe function.argtypes = [AnyObjectPtr, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(col_names, K), Transformation))
[docs] def make_split_dataframe( separator: str, col_names: Any, K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that splits each record in a Vec<String> into a Vec<Vec<String>>, and loads the resulting table into a dataframe keyed by `col_names`. :param separator: The token(s) that separate entries in each record. :type separator: str :param col_names: Column names for each record entry. :type col_names: Any :param K: categorical/hashable data type of column names :type K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A split_dataframe step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. K = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=K, public_example=next(iter(col_names), None)) # Convert arguments to c types. separator = py_to_c(separator, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) col_names = py_to_c(col_names, c_type=AnyObjectPtr, type_name=RuntimeType(origin='Vec', args=[K])) K = py_to_c(K, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_split_dataframe function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, AnyObjectPtr, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(separator, col_names, K), Transformation))
[docs] def make_parse_column( key, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, impute: bool = True, K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that parses the `key` column of a dataframe as `T`. :param key: name of column to select from dataframe and parse :param impute: Enable to impute values that fail to parse. If false, raise an error if parsing fails. :type impute: bool :param K: categorical/hashable data type of the key/column name :type K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param T: data type to parse into :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A parse_column step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. K = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=K, public_example=key) T = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=T) # Convert arguments to c types. key = py_to_c(key, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=K) impute = py_to_c(impute, c_type=ctypes.c_bool) K = py_to_c(K, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_parse_column function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_bool, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(key, impute, K, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_select_column( key, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor, K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that retrieves the column `key` from a dataframe as Vec<`T`>. :param key: categorical/hashable data type of the key/column name :param K: data type of the key :type K: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :param T: data type to downcast to :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A select_column step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. K = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=K, public_example=key) T = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=T) # Convert arguments to c types. key = py_to_c(key, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=K) K = py_to_c(K, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_select_column function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(key, K, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_identity( M: DatasetMetric, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that simply passes the data through. :param M: dataset metric :type M: DatasetMetric :param T: Type of data passed to the identity function. :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A identity step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. M = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=M) T = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=T) # Convert arguments to c types. M = py_to_c(M, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_identity function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(M, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_impute_constant( constant, DA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = "OptionNullDomain<AllDomain<T>>" ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that replaces null/None data with `constant`. By default, the input type is Vec<Option<`T`>>, as emitted by make_cast. Set DA to InherentNullDomain<AllDomain<T>> for imputing on types that have an inherent representation of nullity, like floats. :param constant: Value to replace nulls with. :param DA: domain of data being imputed. This is OptionNullDomain<AllDomain<T>> or InherentNullDomain<AllDomain<T>> :type DA: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A impute_constant step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. DA = RuntimeType.parse(type_name=DA, generics=["T"]) T = get_domain_atom_or_infer(DA, constant) DA = DA.substitute(T=T) # Convert arguments to c types. constant = py_to_c(constant, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) DA = py_to_c(DA, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_impute_constant function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(constant, DA), Transformation))
[docs] def make_impute_uniform_float( lower, upper, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that replaces null/None data in Vec<`T`> with `constant` :param lower: Lower bound of uniform distribution to sample from. :param upper: Upper bound of uniform distribution to sample from. :param T: type of data being imputed :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A impute_uniform_float step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. T = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=T, public_example=lower) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_impute_uniform_float function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_bounded_mean( lower, upper, n: int, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes the mean of bounded data. Use make_clamp to bound data. :param lower: Lower bound of input data. :param upper: Upper bound of input data. :param n: Number of records in input data. :type n: int :param T: atomic data type :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A bounded_mean step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. T = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=T, public_example=lower) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) n = py_to_c(n, c_type=ctypes.c_uint) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_bounded_mean function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, n, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_bounded_sum( lower, upper, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes the sum of bounded data. Use make_clamp to bound data. :param lower: Lower bound of input data. :param upper: Upper bound of input data. :param T: atomic type of data :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A bounded_sum step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. T = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=T, public_example=lower) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_bounded_sum function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_bounded_sum_n( lower, upper, n: int, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes the sum of bounded data with known length. This uses a restricted-sensitivity proof that takes advantage of known N for better utility. Use make_clamp to bound data. :param lower: Lower bound of input data. :param upper: Upper bound of input data. :param n: Number of records in input data. :type n: int :param T: atomic type of data :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A bounded_sum_n step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. T = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=T, public_example=lower) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) n = py_to_c(n, c_type=ctypes.c_uint) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_bounded_sum_n function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, n, T), Transformation))
[docs] def make_bounded_variance( lower, upper, n: int, ddof: int = 1, T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor = None ) -> Transformation: """Make a Transformation that computes the variance of bounded data. Use make_clamp to bound data. :param lower: Lower bound of input data. :param upper: Upper bound of input data. :param n: Number of records in input data. :type n: int :param ddof: Delta degrees of freedom. Set to 0 if not a sample, 1 for sample estimate. :type ddof: int :param T: atomic data type :type T: RuntimeTypeDescriptor :return: A bounded_variance step. :rtype: Transformation :raises AssertionError: if an argument's type differs from the expected type :raises UnknownTypeError: if a type-argument fails to parse :raises OpenDPException: packaged error from the core OpenDP library """ # Standardize type arguments. T = RuntimeType.parse_or_infer(type_name=T, public_example=lower) # Convert arguments to c types. lower = py_to_c(lower, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) upper = py_to_c(upper, c_type=ctypes.c_void_p, type_name=T) n = py_to_c(n, c_type=ctypes.c_uint) ddof = py_to_c(ddof, c_type=ctypes.c_uint) T = py_to_c(T, c_type=ctypes.c_char_p) # Call library function. function = lib.opendp_trans__make_bounded_variance function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_uint, ctypes.c_char_p] function.restype = FfiResult return c_to_py(unwrap(function(lower, upper, n, ddof, T), Transformation))