This documentation is for an old version of OpenDP.

The current release of OpenDP is v0.11.1.


Any constructors that have not completed the proof-writing and vetting process may still be accessed if you opt-in to “contrib”. Please contact us if you are interested in proof-writing. Thank you!

from opendp.mod import enable_features

Define a few queries you might want to run up-front:

import opendp.prelude as dp

count_meas = dp.t.make_count(TIA=int) >> dp.m.make_base_discrete_laplace(scale=1.0)
sum_meas = (
    dp.t.make_clamp((0, 10))
    >> dp.t.make_bounded_sum((0, 10))
    >> dp.m.make_base_discrete_laplace(scale=5.0)

Notice that both of these measurements share the same input domain, input metric, and output measure:

print("count:", count_meas)
print("sum:", sum_meas)
count: Measurement(
    input_domain   = VectorDomain(AtomDomain(T=i32)),
    input_metric   = SymmetricDistance(),
    output_measure = MaxDivergence(f64)
sum: Measurement(
    input_domain   = VectorDomain(AtomDomain(T=i32)),
    input_metric   = SymmetricDistance(),
    output_measure = MaxDivergence(f64)

This is important, because compositors require these three supporting elements to match for all queries.

Basic Composition#

The basic composition compositor is non-interactive: it takes a collection of queries to execute on the dataset all-at-once. When the data is passed in, all queries are evaluated together, in a single batch.

mean_fraction_meas = dp.c.make_basic_composition([sum_meas, count_meas])

int_dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
dp_sum, dp_count = mean_fraction_meas(int_dataset)
print("dp sum:", dp_sum)
print("dp count:", dp_count)
dp sum: 54
dp count: 12

The privacy map simply sums the constituent output distances.


Sequential Composition#

Sequential composition relaxes the basic compositor, allowing for queries to be submitted interactively. That is, you can make submit a query, view the output, and then submit another query that uses the information gained from the prior release. However, this API still requires sequentiality, which we’ll discuss in more detail later.

The API for interactive compositors is more verbose than in the non-interactive case because you must explicitly pass the input domain, input metric, and output measure, as well as an upper bound on input distances (d_in), and the privacy consumption allowed for each query (d_mids).

sc_meas = dp.c.make_sequential_composition(
    d_mids=[2., 1.]

Given this information, we know the privacy consumption of the entire composition:


When the sequential composition measurement (sc_meas) is invoked, it returns a queryable.

int_dataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
sc_qbl = sc_meas(int_dataset)

A queryable is like a state machine: it takes an input query, updates its internal state, and returns an answer. For sequential compositors, the input query is a measurement, the internal state is the dataset and privacy consumption, and the answer is the differentially private release from the measurement.

Similarly as before, we now interactively submit queries to estimate the sum and count:

print("dp sum:", sc_qbl(sum_meas))
print("dp count:", sc_qbl(count_meas))
dp sum: 57
dp count: 10

Now, why is this compositor named sequential? In order to prove that the privacy properties of this compositor hold in the interactive setting, the compositor must lock, or freeze, any queryable it has previously spawned when a new query arrives.

This is an artifact of how non-interactive composition results have been extended to work in the interactive setting. Namely, that the second query can be viewed as a postprocessing of the first query. Unfortunately, this postprocessing argument doesn’t necessarily hold when the analyst may still interact with the first queryable. This is the subject of a further line of research on concurrent compositors, which we hope to make available in the next library release.

An example of this constraint is demonstrated in the “Nesting” section below.


Since all compositors are just “plain-old-measurements” they also support chaining.

str_sc_meas = dp.t.make_cast_default(str, int) >> sc_meas

str_sc_qbl = str_sc_meas(["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"])
str_sc_qbl(sum_meas), str_sc_qbl(count_meas)
(48, 8)

str_sc_meas is invoked with a string dataset, but returns a queryable that takes queries over integer datasets. Chaining compositors can be used to avoid repeating the same transformations for each query.

Keep in mind that the d_in on the interactive compositor must match the output distance from the previous transformation:

max_contributions = 1
sum_trans = dp.t.make_clamp((0, 10)) >> dp.t.make_bounded_sum((0, 10))
sc_meas = sum_trans >> dp.c.make_sequential_composition(
    d_mids=[2., 1.]

In this code snip, we used the supporting elements and map from the transformation to fill in arguments to the sequential compositor constructor, and to derive a suitable d_in for the compositor, based on a known d_in for the sum transformation.


Just like in chaining, since all compositors are “plain-old-measurements” they can also be used as arguments to interactive compositors. In this example, we nest a zCDP sequential compositor inside an approximate-DP sequential compositor.

We first make the approximate-DP sequential compositor, accepting two queries. The first query must be \((2 ε, 10^{-6} δ)\)-DP, and the second \((1 ε, 0 δ)\)-DP.

sc_meas = dp.c.make_sequential_composition(
    d_mids=[(2., 1e-6), (1., 0.)]
adp_sc_qbl = sc_meas(int_dataset)

The first query to the approximate-DP sequential compositor must be an approximate-DP measurement that satisfies \((2 ε, 10^{-6} δ)\)-DP. We will now use the library to find a set of \(\rho\) parameters that will satisfy this level of privacy, under a given set of weights.

# find ρ_1, ρ_2 such that ρ_1 + ρ_2 = ρ <= (2ε, 1e-6δ),
#    and ρ_1 is 5 times larger than ρ_2
weights = [5., 1.]

def scale_weights(scale, weights):
    return [scale * w for w in weights]

def make_zcdp_sc(scale):
    return dp.c.make_fix_delta(dp.c.make_zCDP_to_approxDP(dp.c.make_sequential_composition(
        d_mids=scale_weights(scale, weights)
    )), delta=1e-6)

# find a scale parameter for the d_mids that makes the overall compositor satisfy (2., 1e-6)-approxDP
zcdp_compositor_scale = dp.binary_search_param(make_zcdp_sc, d_in=1, d_out=(2., 1e-6), T=float)

# construct a zCDP sequential compositor that satisfies (2., 1e-6)-approxDP
zcdp_compositor = make_zcdp_sc(zcdp_compositor_scale)

# query the root approx-DP compositor queryable to get a child zCDP queryable
zcdp_sc_qbl = adp_sc_qbl(zcdp_compositor)

rho_1, rho_2 = scale_weights(zcdp_compositor_scale, weights)
rho_1, rho_2
(0.07346057364995517, 0.014692114729991036)

Now that we’ve determined \(\rho_1\) and \(\rho_2\), make a release:

def make_zcdp_sum_query(scale):
    return (
        dp.t.make_clamp((0, 10))
        >> dp.t.make_bounded_sum((0, 10))
        >> dp.m.make_base_discrete_gaussian(scale)

dg_scale = dp.binary_search_param(make_zcdp_sum_query, d_in=1, d_out=rho_1)

At this point, we can either submit a second query to the root approx-DP compositor queryable (adp_sc_qbl), or to the child zCDP compositor queryable (zcdp_sc_qbl).

However, if you submit a query to adp_sc_qbl first, then to preserve sequentiality, zcdp_sc_qbl becomes locked.

# convert the pure-DP count measurement to a approx-DP count measurement (where δ=0.)
adp_count_meas = dp.c.make_pureDP_to_fixed_approxDP(count_meas)

# submit the count measurement to the root approx-DP compositor queryable

We’ve now exhausted the privacy budget of the root approx-DP queryable, and locked the zCDP queryable, so all queryables will refuse to answer any more queries.

    # submit the count measurement to the child zCDP queryable
except dp.OpenDPException as e:
Continued Rust stack trace:
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/core/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
    <opendp::interactive::Queryable<Q,A> as opendp::interactive::FromPolyQueryable>::from_poly::{{closure}}
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/combinators/composition/sequential/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/combinators/composition/sequential/
  FailedFunction("sequential compositor has received a new query")
    # submit the count measurement to the child zCDP queryable
except dp.OpenDPException as e:
Continued Rust stack trace:
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/core/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
    opendp::ffi::any::<impl opendp::core::Measurement<opendp::ffi::any::AnyDomain,opendp::interactive::Queryable<Q,A>,opendp::ffi::any::AnyMetric,opendp::ffi::any::AnyMeasure>>::into_any_Q::{{closure}}::{{closure}}
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/ffi/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/interactive/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/combinators/composition/sequential/
      at /Users/michael/openDP/openDP/rust/src/combinators/composition/sequential/
  FailedFunction("out of queries")

In conclusion, OpenDP provides several compositors with different trade-offs, and interactive compositors (like sequential composition) provide a protective, differentially private interface for accessing any dataset stored within the queryable.