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[Polars Documentation]

OpenDP supports a subset of the Polars boolean functions.

Is Property#

Since these expressions are row-by-row, they may be used in row-by-row or aggregation contexts.

  • is_null

  • is_not_null

  • is_finite

  • is_not_finite

  • is_nan

  • is_not_nan

The latter four only apply to float types that can be NaN or infinite.

The output domain of is_null and is_not_null does not include null values, even if the input does. These expressions can be useful as part of a predicate function for filtering, or as part of a group-by.


Commonly used for negating predicates.

Less commonly, the input data to .not_ may be non-boolean, resulting in a bitwise negation. In this setting, all domain descriptors about elements in the column are dropped.